Psilocybin mushrooms, also known as magic mushrooms or shrooms, have for a long time been used for the effects they bring. The mushrooms contain an active compound, psilocybin, and when ingested, it acts on the serotonin receptors in the brain, causing changes in perception, emotions, and often deep spiritual experiences.
One of the most curious questions that shroom seekers ask is, “How long do shrooms take to hit?” The answer may help people set their pace and be more conscious about their use. This article looks at how long it takes for shrooms to start working and the factors affecting their reaction.
How Long Do Shrooms Take to Hit?
The duration of psilocybin mushrooms’ effect depends on how individuals metabolize the substance and how much they’ve ingested. Generally, the time it takes for psilocybin mushrooms to impact the body after consumption is about 20 to 30 minutes. However, this period can fluctuate according to the metabolism, stomach contents, and level of sensitivity to psilocybin in humans.
The duration of time your body takes to process psilocybin determines the speed by which you feel it. Individuals who have high metabolic rates experience the side effects earlier than those who have a slow metabolic rate. Age, weight, genetics, and standard health can also affect the speed of metabolism.
Psilocybin absorption may be affected by the presence of food in your stomach. Eating mushrooms on an empty stomach may produce a fast onset of effects, whereas consumption after a meal may slow the onset. When psilocybin is taken without eating, absorption into the bloodstream is more rapid, and the effects occur earlier.
What Happens After You Ingest Psilocybin Mushrooms?
If you ask how long do shrooms take to hit, know that once ingested, psilocybin mushrooms begin to release their active compound, psilocybin, into your body. Psilocybin is broken down into psilocin by enzymes in the liver, and it is psilocin that generates the psychedelic effects of magic mushrooms.
Metabolism Of Psilocybin
When you consume psilocybin mushrooms, the psilocybin is rapidly absorbed into your bloodstream through the walls of your stomach and small intestine. Once in the bloodstream, psilocybin is carried to the liver, which metabolizes into psilocin. Psilocin is a potent psychedelic compound that acts primarily on serotonin receptors in the brain.
Interaction With Serotonin Receptors
Psilocin primarily interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain, particularly the 5-HT2A receptors. These receptors regulate mood, cognition, perception, and behavior. By binding to these receptors, psilocin disrupts normal serotonin signaling, leading to alterations in perception, mood, and cognition.
Psilocybin mushrooms produce a unique and impactful psychedelic journey. Nevertheless, it’s vital to be aware of the timeline of their effects to have a pleasurable and safe experience. Being informed on how long it takes shrooms to kick in and understanding what happens on each of the stages of the experience will make you better equipped to go through their psychedelic experience. Always be careful of the legal and health risks associated with the consumption of magic mushrooms.